Saturday 15 November 2014


The Creation represents fulfilled and yet unfulfilled Creative Potential. Creation is the totality of all that is; which in your human perspective is All that has been and All that is to be. Now keep in mind, the Laws of Balance, of Intent, Attraction, and Allowance are the same Universals Laws of Order and Logic.

So then how is the Creative Potential realized and fulfilled? Through the Great Spiritually Perfected Being which brings the Potential of that which represents The Creation into coalescence of matter, such as planets, starts, animals,plants and minerals.

Now you have one Great Spiritually Perfected Being which is the Mind Intelligence of your Galaxy of which we call the father/mother Creator (The Thought of Creation made manifest) The reason that we are one with Creation is that this thought has fragmented itself. This great spirit, to allow his unfolding creative Potential unlimited varieties of experience. Thus each human, each Angel, each being which is created and fragmented of the creation, is a unique creative-potential filled reflection of aspect of the great Mind Intelligence (The Thought of Creation).

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